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auf Messen und Kongressen

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die den Unterschied macht? Erfahren Sie mehr über
die Möglichkeiten für Ihren Messeauftritt.

Visual Storytelling am Messestand

Kongresse und große Fachtagungen bieten einzigartige Möglichkeiten, mit Health Care Professionals in Kontakt zu treten. Um deren Aufmerksamkeit für vertiefende Gespräche zu erlangen, sind neben einem ausgefeilten Standkonzept auch herausragende visuelle Konzepte gefragt. Virtual Reality mit und ohne Brille, Stereoskopische Filmvorführungen, aufwändige Touchscreen-Installationen und wissenschaftliche Spiele bieten unzählige Möglichkeiten, um mit seinen Standbesuchern zu interagieren. Ziel sollte es dabei aber immer sein, neben dem WOW–Faktor auch einen AHA-Effekt zu erzielen.

Beispiele unterschiedlicher Projekte für Ihren Messeauftritt

Ihr Produkt oder neues Präparat kann auf einer Messe wie folgt visualisiert werden:

Case Studies

Die Case Studies sind in englischer Sprache verfasst.

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Diese Lösungen könnten Sie auch interessieren (Englisch)

Though traditional text-heavy learning tools are easier to produce, numerous studies have shown that the best learning results generally come from combinations of text, images, and – best of all – interaction.

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Your various target groups, such as healthcare professionals, patients, investors and shareholders demand tailor-made information about product benefits. Most importantly, scientific and product-related facts such as the underlying mechanism of action have to be communicated effectively, within the industry and beyond.

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Explaining the mechanism of a disease (MoD) or the disease pathophysiology in a clear and concise way is crucial to help healthcare professionals, patients, investors, and other target groups fully understand a disease.

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You have a promising investigational compound to address an unmet medical need. However, there are many hurdles on the way to a successful product, and it is often necessary to convince others of your compound‘s potential. Above all, results need to be communicated to various target groups.

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Do the following situations seem familiar to you? The trial results for your product are excellent. They are, however, also extremely comprehensive, full of data and difficult to understand. With the help of Visual Storytelling, scientific studies, data and processes can be simplified and explained more clearly.

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You will, of course, have had similar requests:
“Please find me the one special idea for our congress booth that will capture the visitors’ attention and convince them of the benefits of our product. We don’t want a linear, one-dimensional film. Everyone has them these days, and people just walk by. That’s not the way to inspire our audience.” In response to these requirements, we came up with first ideas for a cross-sectioned, tactile, football-sized immune cell. Visitors to the congress would be able to touch and explore it.

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Each stage in the life cycle of a product has its unique requirements. These are even more challenging when your drug is based on an already established active ingredient. The crucial thing for our client was to strike up a conversation with doctors at a congress booth. A medical game was the real eye-catcher.

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Many therapeutic areas are highly competitive, even more so when you are not the first to enter the market. Our client faced exactly that situation but had excellent clinical data with the potential to shift a paradigm in the field of anti-coagulation.
How we took “dry” clinical data and turned them into an exciting visual application, clearly explaining the paradigm shift with the help of a simple analogy.

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Your new active substance looks promising. But before you can even think about launching it onto the market, there is an awful lot of science that needs to be communicated first. Whether it’s to recruit physicians for your clinical trials, to create awareness among stakeholders and the medical community or just to educate your internal staff, you want the fast lane into the minds of your target group. Visual Storytelling does the job.

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