Scientific Slide Decks
Slide Decks can be an important communication tool for presenting convincing scientific findings relating to a product (trial results, mechanism of action, setting a product apart from the competition).
Yet all too often, such presentation slides suffer from information overload and are crammed full with graphs, charts and tables. As a result, your main idea does not come across and you lose your audience.
The solution: Telling the visual story of complex scientific content.
In order to create a Slide Deck that is easy to grasp, it is important to summarize the information visually in such a way that the target group “gets” the key points. To achieve this, two factors must come together: Knowledgeable medical experts, able to understand the science and develop ideas for visual implementation. And an experienced graphics department, capable of developing sophisticated and to-the-point graphical solutions.
Before – After
Facts and Figures
Frequently, Slide Decks are created employing only very basic PowerPoint tools. The results are generally not very satisfying – as anyone would be quick to acknowledge.
If graphic options are also limited, the tendency is to resort to text elements and to list the relevant information in bullet point after bullet point.
The solution: Simple graphic illustrations for immediate clarity (Tip: Once you have started in a particular graphic style or PowerPoint presentation design, this should be maintained throughout the entire Slide Deck).
Processes and Technologies
Visual solutions lend themselves ideally to illustrating processes and technologies such as mechanisms of action, therapeutic approaches and manufacturing procedures.
These can either be visualized in a single presentation slide or be animated step by step. You can learn more about this in our chapter “Animated PowerPoint Presentations”.
In many instances, it is not possible to do without the illustration of complex content, be it from medical or legal necessity. Even if such information is processed with the help of high-quality graphics, it is still often a case of “too much information” for the target group.
The solution: Developing presentation slides or a complete presentation deck which communicate only the most important core messages in a clear and memorable manner. These are then inserted in front of the more complex PowerPoint slides, which, if required, can also be shown.