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up-to-date, visually exciting,
and engaging

by making it


Improve an existing training deck

Home » eLearning & Engaging Activities » Improve an existing training deck by updating it and making it visually engaging

The Challenge

There is no need to always start from scratch when creating a medical training deck: the content may already exist and in many cases have even been approved.

It can happen, though, that the training deck was originally developed years ago and so its study data is no longer relevant. Perhaps the slide design is simply not as exciting as it could be. The content may have been drawn from a range of sources; this can result in inconsistent design and so make navigation more difficult.

Very large decks can quickly become unmanageable, causing users to lose track of the contents.

We need to update our existing training deck, improve it visually and didactically, and use clever navigation to make it more accessible.

The Solution











Our knowledgeable medical-content developers’ scientific understanding and didactic experience allow them to fully grasp subject matter and develop easily comprehensible slides. They create new visual concepts or enhance existing ones, develop color codes and icons, and condense a range of facts into strong, unified key messages.

Our team also uses professional referencing software and follows the highest standards of precise scientific work. Familiar with industry-standard approval systems such as PromoMats, they can also work within each client’s approval infrastructure.

They work together with our creative team to implement visual solutions, developing and improving graphics that can then be incorporated into the final slides. A provided design master can be used, of course, but we can also develop a new master. The English master and original content can also be adapted to other markets and languages.

  • A high level of scientific understanding

  • Professional referencing

  • Extensive experience with approval processes

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Intuitive navigation

PowerPoint and other presentation tools offer users interactive navigation through a scientific slide deck: they can find particular content points, move around within the material, and easily return to the overview when needed.

We create a didactic concept focused on intuitive navigation and implement it in accordance with the client’s wishes. Using PowerPoint, an interactive deck can also be transformed into an interactive PDF.

Want to learn more?
Arrange an online meeting on the topic here!


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