Cardiorenal Syndrome
How a new drug ends a vicious pathological circle
What did the client need?
How best to explain the importance of your product, if the difference to an easily-available OTC product is only understandable on a detailed molecular level? That was the question our client had, when they approached us about the production of a 3D animation film. Their selective vitamin D receptor agonist interacts with certain co-factors in specific tissues and with these tissue-specific effects, is able to treat a vitamin D imbalance in the system. Furthermore, the aim was to explain the role of vitamin D and its receptor in the development of cardiorenal syndrome from cardiac or renal dysfunction and how our client’s product can be used to treat this condition.
How did we meet this need?
Our two-part film with an unbranded mechanism-of-disease module and a branded mode-of-action module was geared towards a target audience of healthcare professionals. Initially, the potential pathological interaction between heart and kidneys was explained using a 3D animation of a human body, showing kidneys, heart and major blood vessels. The importance and relevance of the vitamin D receptor was explained on a molecular level. Rather than using realistic molecule models based on crystallographic data, which can have a very complex and confusing structure, we created simplified 3D models to visualize the conformational changes following receptor binding of the active substance.
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