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Mobile-first microlearning tool about antibiotics

Supporting MSLs to reinforce previously acquired knowledge

What did the client need?

Our client had a large, comprehensive eLearning about their antibiotic agents. All employees were required to work through the modules. Although learners could successfully complete the assessments, user statistics showed that most learners did not go back to the modules after having completed them. A survey revealed that learners couldn’t find time in their busy work schedules to revisit the modules. Many learners were asking for tools that would help them refresh their knowledge without needing to complete the entire eLearning all over again.

How did we meet this need?

To address the need for a reinforcement learning strategy, we proposed a microlearning tool with concise modules focusing on specific topics. We designed each module to summarize the content, and we included activities such as quizzes, open questions, and sorting activities that prompted learners to apply their knowledge. The microlearning tool reinforced what they had learned, promoted a deeper understanding of the content, and supported learners in developing transferable knowledge to enhance their job performance. To ensure convenient and flexible use, we designed and programmed the microlearning tool for mobile devices.

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