Workshop: How to make exciting scientific visual stories based on existing slide decks

How to make exciting scientific visual
stories based on existing slide decks

PowerPoint presentations get a bad reputation in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry. They are usually dry and overflowing with information. And the presentations are sometimes so poorly designed, that getting through them is a real slog. The consequence: tragically bored audiences that don’t understand what you want to say. And yet every day countless new slides are created and presentations are held with the same lackluster results.

The solution: visual storytelling slide decks, with as few as 10-20 slides. Based on larger reservoirs of slides that are typical in the pharmaceutical industry, a visual story slide deck focused on the key-messages, uses design effectively, and gives the audience impressive visuals to help them follow the story. In order to tell a clear scientific story based on existing slide decks, it only takes a few small yet crucial steps. In my online one-on-one workshop, I will explain these steps and how to turn mediocre slides into scientific visual stories that impress and convince. Please feel free to pick a timeslot that would work best for you here, and let’s start telling your story!

Meet your instructor

Stefan Wolf is founder of CAST PHARMA, an agency that combines medical and creative expertise, closing the gap between scientific communication and graphic design. With our in-house team of medical content developers, artists, and animators, we use the power of visual storytelling to create slide decks, animated videos, eLearning courses, and interactive tools.

What will you get?

In this free session, you will learn how to:

  • identify typical problems in your slide decks,
  • focus your slide decks based on your
    specific goals and target audience,
  • logically structure your story,
  • quickly develop relevant visual ideas,
  • apply basic principles of graphic design to PowerPoint,
  • use PowerPoint tools such as animation to transform the way you share information, and
  • learn when it makes sense to hire an external specialist.

How will you benefit?

After this session you will be able to create slide decks with a scientific story that is easier to understand, more engaging, and more effective. By recognizing issues, and knowing how to correct them, you will be able to optimize the materials you work with and develop presentations that reflect your knowledge and expertise. You will learn how to ensure that your message not only reaches your audience but stays with them.